Monday, October 18, 2010

A.I Blog

1. Would real computer grow faster than what Moore's Law predicted?
    Yes, according to the graph that I made between actual and predicted, real computer grows faster than Moore's Law predicted.

2. Do you think the Turing Test can identify true AI? Why?
    Yes, because true AI is when a computer can respond and think like a human. During the Turing Test, a person is sitting in front of a computer and talking to either a real person or a computer which he won't know.
If the person talking to a computer and can't distinguish whether he is talking to a person or a computer, then the computer is a true AI.

3. Is AI good or bad?
    I think AI is bad, and start making people rely on them. They may replace many human works, and make our next generation won't be able to do anything.

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